Durch viel Glück, mit erheblichen finanziellen Aufwand und sehr langer Suche nach einem geeigneten
Galvanieseur- das wohl "zweizigartige Exemplar" meiner Sammlung.
Hier zu diesem Mikrofon ein Auszug von David Kott - Greenbulletmics - Seite:
Probably the rarest mic I'll ever own, the small shell 1949 brushed nickel 520 Controlled Reluctance 520 mic. I've never seen another like it and as far as I know, the 520 was never offered to the public with an all brushed nickel shell that is the early 1940's smaller version, which was used mainly for the crystal mics. I believe this one may have been a special version offered to Shure executives upon the introduction of the 520 in mid 1949. The element in this mic is dated June 1949. The tag is navy blue with embossed lettering. I have no idea who the original owner was but I do know who it will be buried with! I'll have pictures of many other mics on the mic picture page soon.
Diesen Worten kann ich mich nur anschließen :))